
Trexon offers an extensive range of solutions for missile applications, from extruded flat cable assemblies, power and signal harnesses to RF connectors and cable assemblies for mission-critical applications.



We deliver power, signal, and data for critical applications in the harshest environments. From outer space to the ocean's depths, our customer-focused approach delivers precision engineered connectivity solutions tailored to the most demanding requirements.

Raw Cable

Trexon offers an expansive portfolio of bulk wire and cable designed to perform in mission-critical, high-cost-of-failure environments. Trexon’s portfolio includes; extruded flat cable, RF coaxial cables (semi-rigid, conformable, and flexible), power, signal, high voltage, composite, and armored cable.

Cable Assemblies & Harnesses

Trexon’s capabilities include but are not limited to discrete cable assemblies, custom wire harnesses, extruded flat cable assemblies and harnesses, RF coaxial assemblies, RF coaxial delay lines, RF coaxial phase-matched assemblies, and subsea cable assemblies.

Electro-Mechanical Assemblies

Trexon’s capabilities include design support and manufacturing of electro-mechanical assemblies and sub-assemblies to aid in defining customer’s specifications.


Manufacturer of a wide range of connectors for commercial and military applications including signal, power, high voltage and RF coaxial. Trexon’s capabilities include terminating most industry offered interconnect products.